Michelle's Birth Story - Second Time's a Charm

My name is Michelle and my son was born in December of 2009 by c-section after three weeks of hospital bedrest. My water had broken at 27 weeks and we were just trying to keep him in as long as possible. They gave me a foley bulb to attempt to induce me and the next morning I labored for six hours with pitocin. The ob told me he didn't care for the heart rate drops my son was experiencing with contractions, and suggested a c-section. I agreed without any knowledge of what I was really consenting to. It was successful and uncomplicated.

Two and a half years later I got pregnant with my daughter. I knew that I hadn't advocated for myself, my son or my womanhood the first time. I tried seeing an OB, but every time he would talk to me about the impending birth or I would ask questions about the hospital procedures, I would end up bawling in the car afterward. I knew I couldn't do it again. So I contacted New Beginnings Birth Center in Meridian. The midwives there were amazing and took such good care of me, even though I was six months pregnant by that point. I had a successful VBAC at New Beginnings Birth Center on February 27th, 2013. I had my first real contraction at two in the afternoon the 26th, and had my daughter at one the next afternoon. Not once did anyone say the word VBAC. I wasn't constantly reminded that I had already had a c-section. I moved at my own pace, had my doula and my husband there for counter-pressure and to help me in and out of the hot tub. There was dignity and empowerment I did not feel with my son. I knew it was safer to have a VBAC than another c-section. I knew that uterine rupture was so extremely unlikely that it wasn't even a thought in my mind my whole birth experience. I knew a hospital was ten minutes away "just in case". I trusted the women around me and I brought my daughter into the world.

Peace Be With You,

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